Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My SWEET angel girl

So today I was talking to my mom about going to see Wicked because my dad is taking me, my sister and my cousin in a couple weeks. Crystal was talking about all the characters that were going to be there and I told her the wicked witch of the west would be there. This conversation followed:

"Mommy, won't you be scared when you see the wicked witch?"

"Well, no, honey, my daddy will be there, so if I get too scared he can help me be not scared anymore"

"Mommy? If you want, you can take fluffy with you."

(Fluffy is the little stuffed dog she sleeps with every.single.night."

Is she the SWEETEST??

And because I have to have a picture:



  1. Aww what a sweetie! Great pic!

  2. That is so sweet! I love those little comments kids make that don't seem like a big deal to them, but just MELTS our hearts!

  3. Oh, now that is real love--selfless and giving!!

  4. Little girls are the sweetest! I also love the picture, simple, but so cute!

  5. What a sweet girl! I love the B and W conversion.

  6. So sweet and generous! And I LOVE that pose!

  7. I like the conversion, and love that hamming it up pose :)

  8. Aww, so nice of her to offer up Fluffy! Great B&W photo - what a cutie!
