Monday, June 8, 2009

Family Photos...

Recently, I was asked by the company that sold us our house if we had any updated photos of our family in front of our house. This is the photo they had of us, on the day we moved into our house:


I was both happy and sad when I saw this photo, happy because I couldn't stop laughing at how little both my kids were and sad because I couldn't believe how little my kids were! :)

So I had Chris take an updated photo of us in front of our house. What a difference 2.5 years makes!

For Homebricks

And lest you think it is easy to get photos like that, this is what most of the photos looked like:



  1. How fun to see then and now!! You've got a beautiful family!! And love your hair!

  2. wow! Big difference! But you guys look so happy in both, the before and after :)

  3. I love your new hair style! Wow, would my family photos ever look different! My son, who is now on a Navy ship somewhere in South America, was just learning to walk. . .

  4. How fun to see the changes! I love the 'outtake'! :)
